Tuesday, February 16, 2010

eat your veggies!!!

When I start making dinner at night I put out a bowl of grapes, carrots, celery, etc. As the kids (and the hubsters) come in to check on dinner and see "how long tell it's ready???" they always get up to the counter and eat a bit of what I have out. By the time dinner is ready the bowl is ALWAYS empty, and it hasn't seemed to affect their appetites at all.

Its a great way to get a little extra into their diet!


  1. oooooh! I love that! Fabulous idea! My children are always asking about an hour before dinner what they can eat.......

  2. What a fabulous idea! I think that might help me too, not to eat so much food at dinner. Hmmm . . . could I loose a few pounds? Thanks!

  3. Wow! I'm doing this! You're amazing!
