Monday, December 6, 2010

Sacrament Meeting Reverence for Children Under 6

Any suggestions as to ways we can encourage our children to be more reverent in Sacrament Meeting? We know that the two oldest, ages 5 and 6, are mostly capable but cannot get it out of them. Quiet activities we have a plenty-we do not let them bring toys, food, or sit in the overflow................but they are so NOISY and WHINY NOISY! Maybe my expectations are too high. I'm wondering if some of you use some sort of positive incentive program that works for your family.


  1. Less seems to work for us. Before and during the sacrament only Friends & gospel art kit pictures are allowed(except for the really little ones). After the deacons sit down they can have their notebook and a pencil, crayons for those under 5.
    We did have them practice sitting quietly at home afterwards if they didn't behave at church which worked well for one of ours. And then a game or visit to Grandma's after church for good behavior. I really think the biggest help was not taking activities, just their notebook. It did take some time and we're still working on getting them to not sprawl out on the bench or floor sometimes.

  2. I only have 2 kids (for another few weeks), so our reverence issues may not be as difficult. We have 11:00 church, so my kids usually do get a little snack after the sacrament--half an apple is the standard snack. Lately, I have only brought paper and crayons, so drawing is their only option. They've been much more reverent with less stuff. They have even been really good on weeks when Bryan is called out for work. I think the idea that less is best is really true in this situation.
