Monday, December 6, 2010

Christmas Traditions

I'd also like to hear some of the Christmas Traditions ya'll do in your families...................wanting to add and create some of our own.


  1. We started a new tradition last year with our kids (then barely 1 and nearly 3) that we liked. We woke up Christmas morning and had breakfast-in-dad-and-mom's-bed (really simple stuff like granola bars and yogurt since we were actually not at home). While we ate, the kids opened a present which turned out to be the Fisher Price Little People Nativity Set. The kids could put their grubby little hands all over it! We munched our food and read portions of the nativity story out of Luke while the kids set up the coinciding pieces of the nativity set. It was nice to have the first thing on Christmas morning be about Jesus. After we finished, we marched out to the tree and opened presents like usual. Such a lovely morning!
    (I just reread the blog post I did about that morning and maybe it's better:

  2. We are trying something new this year. The fighting in our home has been a little extreme lately, so in FHE we talked about remembering Christ at Christmas. We discussed how serving others lets us serve the Savior. Then we decided that each evening we will draw the name of a family member that we will serve the next day. As we do acts of service for that person, we add links to a paper chain. We are hoping to have a really long chain to put on our Christmas tree by Christmas Eve. That will be our gift to the Savior. So far, we've all been a little bit nicer!
