Monday, March 1, 2010

Any good ideas out there on how to help little kids improve on their prayers. If you think about it there are a lot of prayers said during the day from morning prayers to meal time prayers to family prayers and night prayers so at times i think that they are just going through the motions. I have noticed that the kids have a very hard time thinking of new things to say each time. With a some exceptions I can probably tell you exactly what they will say.
I have tried to hold up six or seven fingers during a prayer and when they say something new I put a finger down. I got thinking about this and this makes them not close their eyes and bow their heads. I am also kept from doing so as well. So I guess what I am asking is how do you help kids say meaningful prayers that don't contain the same five repetitive things and also ways to encourage them to kneel reverently each time? Any ideas? By the way this is Bryan posting this time.


  1. My 3 year old still has help with her prayers from mom, except when I forget something important she'll fill in. My 5 yr. old is still pretty repetitive with his but I don't say anything. But I think my 7 yr. old knows he is talking to his Heavenly Father. He just started this within the last year. Prayer is pretty personal to him. He whispers them to himself now and as I catch bits and pieces I can tell he's putting a lot of thought into what he says. He also prays a lot throughout the day for help with little things.(Help with sicknesses, fixing something outside, he just expects help with everything, and often he gets it.) I think with my younger kids I'll let them establish the habit and I'm sure they have good feelings about it. They'll get into real communication when they're ready. At least that's based on what I've seen with mine.

  2. Hmmmmmm. We have the same issues. I try and coach them by saying "tell Heavenly Father what you're thankful for" or tell Heavenly Father the things you need or want..." They're still repetitive but I can tell it gets them thinking.

  3. I think a good example is the best way.

    Make sure your personal and meal prayers are unique to the day, and then after when you atrt eating say something like.

    "I have been so worried about grandma today, Im so glad I remembered her in my prayers"
    "today when I was driving home I realized I am so thankful for ___, it is so important to tell heavenly father when we are thankful for something, isn't it"
    anyway, you get the idea.

    I think that helps to give them the idea that you are doing it, and the reasons why. Our kids are still young and it will take time, but I think a good example is the key :)
